Product Overview
The flat pack shipping container homes provided by Steelmark House exhibit high hardness, abrasion resistance, strength, and stability. They are competitive in terms of quality, performance, and durability, and can be used in various industries.
Product Features
The product is versatile and accessible, with glass walls and sliding doors for easy access and transparency. It combines the best features of expandable trailers and containers for fast installation and transportation. The design also allows for easy and quick setup.
Product Value
The flat pack shipping container homes offer a modern design style, with a spacious 20 feet model that includes galvanized steel frame structure, rock wool board wall panels, and high load capacity for flooring and roofing. The product also comes with a variety of doors and windows for customization, and online technical support for after-sales service.
Product Advantages
The product boasts a unique design that combines a trailer with easy and safe entrance possibility, integrating storage for the axle assembly. It offers ultimate functionality and style, making it perfect for various industries and uses.
Application Scenarios
The flat pack shipping container homes can be used as carports, hotels, houses, kiosks, booths, offices, villas, and more. The product is preferred for cold areas and high-end accommodations, offering intelligent control of the whole house for a luxury space capsule experience.