
We are a 20 years factory,specialized in mobile house for 5 years.

Steelmark House is a leading manufacturer of modular Prefab house building.

Round Prefab Homes Buying Guide

Guangdong Guose Building Technology Group Co., LTD is committed to ensuring that each round prefab homes upholds the high quality standards. We utilize an internal quality control team, external 3rd party auditors and multiple factory visits per year to achieve this. We adopt advanced product quality planning to develop the new product, ensuring that each product meets or exceeds our customers' requirements.

To bring our Steelmark brand to global markets, we never stop doing market research. Every time we define a new target market, the first thing we do as we begin the market expansion effort is to determine the demographics and the geographic location of the new target market. The more we know about our target customers, the easier it is to develop a marketing strategy that will reach them.

We never forget the culture, values, and concerns that make each of our customers a unique individual. And through Steelmark House, we will help to strengthen and preserve those identities by personalizing round prefab homes.

About Round Prefab Homes Buying Guide

Guangdong Guose Building Technology Group Co., LTD provides round prefab homes with competitive prices for the market. It is superior in materials as inferior raw materials are rejected into the factory. Certainly, premium raw materials will increase the cost of production but we put it into the market at a price lower than the industry average and take effort to create promising development prospects.
Round Prefab Homes Buying Guide
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